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Euphoric the Podcast

Jul 26, 2023

Beautiful, what if you thought about alcohol as a person you’re in a relationship with?

If you look at it this way, you can see there are a lot of red flags, right? From lowering your self-esteem, to not supporting your self-improvement, alcohol frequently steals your momentum and makes you take five steps backward.

In today’s episode, Karolina talks openly about how alcohol is actually like a toxic ex-boyfriend. Just like an actual unhealthy relationship, it can feel so terrifying to leave, even though we know this relationship isn’t making us happy.

The hope is that this episode gives you an “I Will Survive” Aretha Franklin kinda energy, helping you make the decision to go alcohol-free or feel even more solid in this choice. Because truthfully, you are actually much more endearing, interesting, and powerful on your own!

Ready to do alcohol differently? Dry Bootcamp is back on August 1st. Join Karolina for a 22-day life-changing, immersive community experience! Take a break from alcohol and discover how to take care of your emotional needs in a luxurious, beautiful, and healthy way. There will be group coaching calls, mocktail happy hours, unique guides, and instructions on how to train your brain to adopt rituals that are good for you! Enroll here for $159.


  • Karolina's real-life, toxic ex-boyfriend, and how this compares with the healthy relationship she has with her husband
  • Alcohol's effect on our brain chemistry, lowering good neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin) and releasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline
  • How 60 percent of drinkers actually have unhealthy relationships with alcohol, so you have to know, it's not you - it's him!
  • The impact alcohol has on our health goals, self-esteem, free time, self-improvement efforts, confidence, and how with "him", nothing ever changes - the patterns are always the same
  • It takes intuition and courage to re-evaluate the role of alcohol in your life. Karolina shares how empowering it can feel to even recognize that you've outgrown alcohol
  • Dry Bootcamp starts August 1st - and is actually less expensive than the cost of a monthly drinking habit!


Ready to do alcohol differently? Dry Bootcamp is back on August 1st. Join Karolina for a 22-day life-changing, immersive community experience! Take a break from alcohol and discover how to take care of your emotional needs in a luxurious, beautiful, and healthy way. There will be group coaching calls, mocktail happy hours, unique guides, and instructions on how to train your brain to adopt rituals that are good for you! Enroll here for $159. 

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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